Wednesday 21 March 2007

London Marathon 2007

Its just over 4 weeks to go and my training is coming along nicely. I did a short run of 5.5 miles to day after having had three days with no running and I felt very lively and had masses in the tank. I felt like I could have maintained 7'30 pace for quite a while which is a lot faster than normal.

On Saturday morning I did just under 20 miles. I started off from Woodnewton because PACTRAC where holding their training weekend there. Ben and Robert came with me for the first few miles. From Woodnewton we headed over to Southwick and then over the big hill and down to Cotterstock where we turned towards Fotheringhay. It was quite nice having the boys with me, but it does make things a bit stressful. After the first loop I repeated the loop two more times. By the time I got back to Woodnewton I was fairly tired.

Alex gave me a massage which really helped my recovery.

The early part of the week was very hard. After the Mondi 15 I was quite tired. At the track on tuesday night Sean got us all to do 6x800M which I found very taxing. Wednesday I swam and Thursday I did my 6x2 miles run. By the time Thursday evening came I was absolutely finished. Fortunately Friday was my day off so I had some time to recover by my long run on Saturday.

I've got a hard few days ahead of me as this week is one of my 40 mile weeks, but this time it does not seem that daunting at all. I am starting to think that given a good day I will be able to do a sub 3'50. I need to work on getting the feeding right when I am pushing hard as I think that is what will prevent me achieving my goal.

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