Monday 5 March 2007

London Marathon 2007

Things are looking up. The marathon is now 7 weeks away which means that I have 6 weeks of training left. I have just completed one of my hard weeks and although I am feeling tired this morning I know that I am not exhausted and ready for more. Last week I clocked up 43 miles on the road and a good hour swimming session. The cycling took a back seat.

Yesterday was my long run day. To make things more interesting I decided to incorporate the Frostbite at Huntingdon into my run. Therefore I started running from Stilton to the race at Huntingdon. The road from Stilton is long and follows the route of Ermine Street, which means its straight and boring. I felt good during the race and managed to get round the 5 miles in 42:50 - 8'30 pace which is faster than my marathon target pace. Hopefully this means that I am on track.

This week is bit easier I've only got to do 31 miles which means that I will only do 4 run sessions

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