Thursday 5 April 2007

London Marathon 2007

Its been a while since I posted. Running is going well. Last Saturday I re-did the Rutland water loop with Jonathan. This time we included the Hambledon penninsular. Before we started Jonathan reconed that it would be about 19 miles. In the end it turned out to be just under 23 miles. It was a fantastic run, the dawn was just breaking as we started. It was clear and we had a fantastic sunrise over the water in the mist. A big change from the last time we did the run when it was wet, windy and dark.

I have just over two weeks to go. I am starting to wind things down. Tuesday was the last time I will go to the track before the Marathon. The run on saturday certainly took it out of me. Coupled with a sore throat I was defininately below par.

The previous week was relatively easy as I only ended up runnin three times. Once on the track, once for my thursday session and once round Rutland water.

This week I am going to do about 40 miles. I may substitue one of my short runs for a bike ride. Tonight I will do my shorter harder set and on Saturday I will do my longer run of 18 miles.

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