Wednesday 17 January 2007

London Marathon 2007

Even though I thought that I was feeling tired on Monday, my run to Woodnewton and back was not too bad. I took things fairly steady and did a few high knees etc on the way back. In the evening I did an hours swimming. A reasonably hard set.

On Tuesday I went with Adrian to the athletics track in Peterborough. It's a great facility. We started with a warm up and then did a few drills and stretching. After that we did some sprints. I was teamed with Annette and Sam. 2x50, 2x100, 2x150, 2x200, 2x150, 2x100, 2x50. It was good to run next to Sam as she is a good sprinter and I found it very hard to keep up with her, especially on anything over 100M.

My legs are a bit sore, but at least it's only a couple of days before my rest day. This week is a hard week. I should have done about 35 miles + 2 hours of swimming. Next week is going to be easier.

However before next week comes I have been persuaded to go round Rutland water with Jonathan at 05:30 on Saturday morning. Yuk! It's somewhere in the region of 15 miles. Lets hope the rain and wind has abated a bit before then.

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