Monday 15 January 2007

London Marathon 2007

Feeling tired after a lot of running in the last three days. Friday started with a progression run of 5.5 miles. The first part was very windy and hard work. On the return I pushed harder and felt quite good. I followed the run up with a Clive Tuke swim session.

On Saturday, I ended up doing slightly under 10 miles. I had a course change halfway round when I saw David and Bruce out with the novice cyclists, which meant that I came back over Southwick hill. I was very tired at the end - I am not sure if it was the fact that I eat my breakfast shortly before setting off for the run, the fact that it was hillier than I planned, or the swimming from the night before. Possibly all three contributed to making me feel very tired.

Sunday was Frostbite race 4 over at Ramsey. The sun was out and the ground was not too soggy. My legs felt very heavy. I went round with Carol with me leading most of the way. Not exactly sure what the time was, but even if I was slower than last year I will be happier as I had done quite a bit in the two days before the run and my legs were extremely tired. But to put things in perspective Carol had cycled over 65 miles followed by a three mile run the day before and come down on her bike from Peterborough to do the race.

One encouraging thing is that I have done roughly 29 miles running along with 3 1 hour swimming sessions in the week. Therefore enven though I am feeling quite tired this morning, I know that in a few weeks I am going to be able to cope with running over 40 miles in a week. I will probably have to cut the swimming down to 1 session a week and maybe introduce a sysle ride instead of a run session.

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