Wednesday, 21 February 2007

London Marathon 2007

I am back runnig again. A very easy 3+ miles on Monday and a decent track session on Tuesday. My back has been really troubling me lately. I am not sure if its something to do with the illness or running. I have ended up sleeping in the bottom bunk of the boys bed. It's softer and I have got something to grab onto above me to haul myself up.

I should be swimming this evening.

I am feeling a bit more positive.

Friday, 16 February 2007

London Marathon 2007

To day is a low point. Its Friday afternoon and I am feeling very lethargic. I have a mild temperature, a very croaky voice and aches and pains all over my body. I've got the bug which is doing the rounds.

On days like this the goal seems unachievable. I haven't done anything since Monday and the way I am feeling at the moment I can't see myself being fit before the middle of next week. Yesterday I thought that I was getting better, but today its all change.

Monday, 12 February 2007

London Marathon 2007

The middle of Februrary is looming and there are now less than 10 weeks to go. My body has changed over the last few weeks and I am making improvements. Yesterday I ran just over 17 miles. The last 5 were at my target marathon pace and were part of the second biathlon. I started runing with Jonathan at 6:30am. We returned to Oundle pool at just after 8:30 and I changed into my tri suit. Swam 800M and then continued with the last 5 miles of the run. Everything felt good.

Over the last few weeks I have been building up and I am starting to feel like things are taking shape. I still have aches and pains - my lower back has been quite uncomfortable for the last two weeks, but it feels like it is getting better. I also have a pain around my right shin. Again this seems to be improving slowly. I am looking forward to the day when all the aches have gone and I have that feeling that I could run for ever,

I think that towards the end of Janurary I must of had some sort of bug as I struggled on the running track. It was especially cold and my lungs were very tight. Possibly this was caused by being run down from over doing things. The week that I ran round Rutland water was probably too much.

I have cut back on the swimming and started to make sure that I do a reasonable cycle ride each week. Therefore at the moment my week goes something like: monday do a short recovery run to get the legs going from the previous days long run; tuesday evenings I go to the track and do the session there; Wednesday I do an hour long Clike Tuke swimming session; Thursday I do my second key run of the week which concentrates on speed; Friday I go out for a 1:30 bike ride; saturday is my rest day, which usually involves gardening and other jobs at home; Sunday sees my long run.